To ensure there is a procedure and basic supplies for dealing with an emergency that is consistent with the Civil Defence guidelines
To ensure that every person knows how to leave the venue in a safe and orderly way and that parents know the whereabouts of their children in the event of an emergency.
Fire, earthquake and emergency drills will be carried out every month and the Head of Room teacher will record the log in the Health and Safety Folder in each classroom
The Centre Manager will complete the termly check in the Health and Safety Folder and will ensure all drills have been carried out in each room every term and the NZ fire drill has been completed.
All Fire Exit doors will be clearly displayed
The emergency alert will be ‘fire’ and/or the fire alarm, ‘earthquake’ or ‘tsunami’ or ‘reverse evacuation’ and/or whistle sound
The fire alarm will be activated in some instances and at least every 6 months so that children are aware of the noise
The radio station we will report to is Radio ZM 90.9, the telephone number is 0800342956
The Met Service to contact for updated information is www.metservice.co.nz
‘Earthquake’ and then ‘turtle’ will be called by the teachers
Children and staff will be encouraged to go under the nearest tables and make a turtle shape.
The Centre Manager will announce if it is safe to carry on or if everyone is to evacuate the building and go to the meeting point in the car park.
The Centre Manager/Inside Teacher will take the role, the emergency armband on the wall in the signing in area, the emergency folder in the signing in area and will leave the building first.
If the decision is to evacuate the building, the nursery teacher will put 6 children in the fire cot and the Centre manager/Tui teacher will assist and carry 2 children to the meeting point, exiting through the fire exit door and along the path at the side of the building.
The scanner/full time teacher will wear an emergency armband and will be the last person to leave the building, checking the toilets, sleep room and outside area and collecting the mobile phone from the staff room and the emergency backpack/evacuation case from office/shed.
The Centre Manager will take the role, liase with civil defence and if necessary will start the evacuation to our nearest Civil Defence Post: Sumner School.
The scanner/full time teacher will leave a notice on the Pebbles gate (to be kept in the emergency pack) of our whereabouts and contact number.
Parents can collect their child only.
Staff who are also parents will remain with all the children at the Centre until they have been collected.
If civil defence have alerted us to a Tsunami warning or if the Tsunami siren is heard or if we have had a long and strong EQ, Person Responsible will say ‘tsunami, tsunami’ and/or blow the whistle and children will be encouraged to leave the building and assemble at the meeting point.
If the Centre Manager feels that we are in danger of a Tsunami, the evacuation procedure for a Tsunami will be put into place.
We will follow evacuation procedures to the meeting point as for earthquake.
The nursery teacher will assemble the pushchairs and together with the Centre Manager, will secure the children in the seats and exit down the side of the path to the meeting point.
The scanner/full time Tui teacher will leave a Tsunami notice on the Pebbles gate alerting parents as to our whereabouts.
We will walk to higher ground, turning left out of Pebbles, crossing Wakefield Ave by the Red Snapper Fish and Chip Shop, walking down Nayland Street and then turning left into Richmond Hill and keeping left by the bowling green. We will turn left up the track and continue to walk up the track until we have reached the agreed meeting point.
The scanner/full time Tui teacher will leave an orange marker at the beginning of the track so parents know where to turn.
We will stay at the agreed meeting point on the track until the Centre Manager has heard from civil defense that it is safe to return to lower ground.
‘Fire’ and/or fire siren will be called by the teachers.
Children will be encouraged to leave the building through the nearest exit doors and assemble at the meeting point to the right of the car park.
Evacuation procedures will be as for earthquake evacuation procedures.
After the role, the Centre Manager will liase with the firemen and decide if it is safe to enter the building.
If it is not safe, the scanner/full time teacher will leave a sign on the whiteboard as to our whereabouts and collect the emergency pack if possible
The Centre Manager will lead the way to Sumner School
All teachers will stay with the children until they have been collected by their parent/care giver.
Lock Down Evacuation
Children will practice a reverse evacuation to ensure all can find a safe place inside the building. Teachers should all know where this safe place is.
‘Blackout’ and/or whistle will be called by the teacher and all children will be encouraged to enter the building and assemble in the toilet area/sleep
The Centre Manager will take the role, and the Health and Safety folder will encourage all children to sit quietly in the bathroom area/sleep room.
The scanner/full time teacher will ensure the building as well as the outside area has been checked and will take the mobile phone and emergency back pack from the office and will be the last person to assemble in the bathroom area/sleep room and will close the door.
If parents or caregivers cannot be contacted or cannot collect their children:
A minimum of two staff will remain with up to 10 children until they are all collected, or MOE ratios will be maintained (1:5 under two years and then 2:20 for children over two years).
If children cannot be collected from the Centre then the staff will make an informed decision whether to go the civil defence meeting point at Sumner School or to stay at the Centre with the children.
Parents will be informed of our whereabouts at all times.
The safety of the children is the number one focus at all times.
Communication Plan for Parents and whānau
The Person Responsible will communicate with all parents and caregivers by posting an update on Educa and on our Pebbles Facebook Page
The Office Administrator will keep parents informed by emailing all parents and caregivers using the bulk email on Discover
Kaiako will update the daily whiteboard to let all parents know what is happening as they arrive at the centre
The Person Responsible will add a notice to the fence to alert parents as to what is happening as they arrive at Pebbles.
The Person Responsible will have an up to date list of all parents and caregivers in the Civil Defence Bag and will text or call parents and caregivers using the centre mobile phone.
Fire Warden’s Responsibilities
Fire Warden – Centre Manager:
Take the role, the emergency armband and the Health and Safety Folder with the emergency contact numbers
Leave the building and assemble at the meeting point
Liase with civil defence if necessary
Scanner – Full time Tui teacher:
Take the emergency armband and check the building, including the toilets, sleep room and outside area.
Be the last person to leave the building, ensuring there is nobody inside and close all doors.
Take the emergency back pack and the evacuation bag from the staff toilet and the mobile phone from the kitchen shelf in staff room
Leave the notice on the front gate if we are leaving the Centre
Assist the Fire Warden.
To ensure there is a procedure and basic supplies for dealing with an emergency that is consistent with the Civil Defense guidelines.
To ensure that every person knows how to leave the venue in a safe and orderly way and that parents know the whereabouts of their children in the event of an emergency.
Fire, earthquake and emergency drills will be carried out every month and the Centre Manager will record and evaluate every drill in Booklet 7- Trips, Drills and Termly Checks.
The NZ fire drill will be completed every term and the Centre Manager will file all required paperwork.
All Fire Exit doors will be clearly displayed, the WOF booklet will be completed monthly.
The emergency alert will be ‘fire fire’ and/or the fire alarm, ‘earthquake’ or ‘tsunami’ or ‘reverse evacuation’ and/or whistle sound
The fire alarm will be activated in some instances and at least every term so that children are aware of the noise
The radio station we will report to is Radio ZM 90.9, the telephone number is 0800342956
The Met Service to contact for updated information is www.metservice.co.nz
‘Earthquake’ and then ‘turtle’ will be called by the teachers
Children and staff will be encouraged to go under the nearest tables and make a turtle shape.
The Centre Manager will announce if it is safe to carry on or if everyone is to evacuate the building and go to the meeting point in the car park.
The Centre Manager/Inside Teacher will take the role, the emergency armband on the wall in the signing in area, the emergency folder in the signing in area and will leave the building first.
If the decision is to evacuate the building, all children will exit through the fire exit door and assemble in the car park.
The scanner/full time teacher will wear an emergency armband and will be the last person to leave the building, checking the toilets and outside area and collecting the mobile phone from the staff room and the emergency backpack/evacuation case from the staff toilet.
The Centre Manager will take the role, liaise with civil defence and if necessary will start the evacuation to our nearest Civil Defence Post: Sumner School.
The scanner/full time teacher will leave a notice on the Pebbles gate (to be kept in the emergency pack) of our whereabouts and contact number.
Parents can collect their child only unless written permission has been given.
Staff who are also parents will remain with all the children at the Centre until they have been collected.
If civil defence have alerted us to a Tsunami warning or if the Tsunami siren is heard, staff will say ‘tsunami, tsunami’ and/or blow the whistle and children will be encouraged to leave the building and assemble at the meeting point.
We will follow evacuation procedures to the meeting point as for earthquake.
The scanner/full time teacher will leave a Tsunami notice on the Pebbles gate alerting parents as to our whereabouts.
We will walk to higher ground, turning right out of Pebbles, down Campbell Street, right onto Van Asch St opposite St Leonard’s Park, right onto Paisley Street, left onto Wakefield Ave and then right onto Sumnervale Drive.
We will assemble on the first bend on Sumnervale Drive by the chevrons.
We will stay at the agreed meeting point until the Centre Manager has heard from civil defense that it is safe to return to lower ground.
‘Fire fire’ and/or fire siren will be called by the teachers.
Children will be encouraged to leave the building through the nearest exit doors and assemble at the meeting point to the right of the car park.
Evacuation procedures will be as for earthquake evacuation procedures.
After the role, the Centre Manager will liaise with the firemen and decide if it is safe to enter the building.
If it is not safe, the scanner/full time teacher will leave a sign on the whiteboard as to our whereabouts and collect the emergency pack if possible
The Centre Manager will lead the way to the St Leonards Park, crossing Campbell Street opposite Pebbles Montessori
All teachers will stay with the children until they have been collected by their parent/care giver.
Lock Down Evacuation
Children will practice a reverse evacuation to ensure all can find a safe place inside the building
‘Blackout’ and/or whistle will be called by the teacher and all children will be encouraged to enter the building and assemble in the toilet area/sleep
The Centre Manager will take the role, and the Health and Safety folder will encourage all children to sit quietly in the bathroom area/sleep room.
The scanner/full time teacher will ensure the building as well as the outside area has been checked and will take the mobile phone and emergency back pack from the office and will be the last person to assemble in the bathroom area/sleep room and will close the door.
If parents or caregivers cannot be contacted or cannot collect their children:
A minimum of two staff will remain with the children until they are all collected.
If children cannot be collected from the Centre then the staff will make an informed decision whether to go the civil defence meeting point at Sumner School or to stay at the Centre with the children.
Parents will be informed of our whereabouts at all times.
The safety of the children is the number one focus at all times.
Communication Plan for Parents and whānau
The Person Responsible will communicate with all parents and caregivers by posting an update on Educa and on our Pebbles Facebook Page
The Office Administrator will keep parents informed by emailing all parents and caregivers using the bulk email on Discover
Kaiako will update the daily whiteboard to let all parents know what is happening as they arrive at the centre
The Person Responsible will add a notice to the fence to alert parents as to what is happening as they arrive at Pebbles.
The Person Responsible will have an up to date list of all parents and caregivers in the Civil Defence Bag and will text or call parents and caregivers using the centre mobile phone.
Fire Warden’s Responsibilities
Fire Warden – Centre Manager:
Take the role/IPAD, the emergency armband and the Health and Safety Folder with the emergency contact numbers
Leave the building and assemble at the meeting point
Liase with civil defence if necessary
Scanner – Full time Tui teacher:
Take the emergency armband and check the building, including the toilets, sleep room and outside area.
Be the last person to leave the building, ensuring there is nobody inside and close all doors.
Take the emergency back pack and the evacuation bag from the staff toilet and the mobile phone from the kitchen shelf in staff room
Leave the notice on the front gate if we are leaving the Centre
Assist the Fire Warden.
To ensure there is a procedure and basic supplies for dealing with an emergency that is consistent with the Civil Defence guidelines
To ensure that every person knows how to leave the venue in a safe and orderly way and that parents know the whereabouts of their children in the event of an emergency.
Fire, earthquake and lockdown drills will be carried out at least termly, as emergency drills are practiced every month and the Centre Manager will record the log in the Compliance Folder in each classroom
The Centre Manager will complete the termly check in the Health and Safety Folder and will ensure all drills have been carried out in each room every term and the NZ fire drill has been completed every 6 months.
All Fire Exit doors will be clearly displayed
The emergency alert will be ‘fire fire’ and/or the fire alarm, ‘earthquake’ or ‘tsunami’ or ‘lock down’
The fire alarm will be activated in some instances and at least every 6 months so that children are aware of the noise
All able-bodied adults will assist any person with a disability in the case of any emergency
The radio station we will report to is Radio FM 92.1, the telephone number is 0800MOREFM or 0800 667336
The Met Service to contact for updated information is www.metservice.co.nz
‘Earthquake’ and then ‘turtle’ will be called by the teachers
Children and staff will be encouraged to go under the nearest tables and make a turtle shape.
The Centre Manager will announce if it is safe to carry on or if everyone is to evacuate the building and go to the meeting point in the car park.
The Centre Manager/Inside Teacher will take the role, the emergency armband on the wall in the signing in area, the emergency folder in the signing in area and will leave the building first.
If the decision is to evacuate the building, the Centre manager will assist the nursery teachers, carrying children to the meeting point, exiting through the fire exit door
The scanner/full time teacher will wear an emergency armband/vest and will be the last person to leave the building, checking the toilets, sleep room and outside area and collecting the emergency backpack/evacuation case from the staff room/outside play house.
The Centre Manager will take the role, liase with civil defence and if necessary will start the evacuation to our nearest Civil Defence Post: Thorrington School.
The scanner/full time teacher will leave a notice on the Pebbles gate (to be kept in the emergency pack) of our whereabouts and contact number.
Parents/caregivers on the enrolment form can collect their child only.
Staff who are also parents will remain with all the children at the Centre until they have been collected.
26 Colombo Street is not in a Tsunami Evacuation Zone – please see attached information from Environment Canterbury Regional Council 18/10/2018
If civil defence have alerted us to a Tsunami warning or if the Tsunami siren is heard, staff will say ‘tsunami, tsunami’ and children will be encouraged to leave the building and assemble at the meeting point.
We will follow evacuation procedures to the meeting point as for earthquake.
The nursery teacher will assemble the pushchairs and together with the Centre manager, will secure the children in the seats and exit to the meeting point.
The scanner/full time teacher will leave a Tsunami notice on the Pebbles gate alerting parents as to our whereabouts.
We will walk to higher ground, turning left out of Pebbles, down Colombo Street, crossing the roundabout and heading up Dyers Pass Road to reach higher ground. We will meet on the green by MacMillan Ave.
We will stay at the agreed meeting point on the track until the Centre Manager has heard from civil defense that it is safe to return to lower ground.
‘Fire fire’ and/or fire siren will be called by the teachers.
Children will be encouraged to leave the building through the nearest exit doors and assemble at the meeting point to the right of the car park.
Evacuation procedures will be as for earthquake evacuation procedures.
After the role, the Centre Manager will liase with the firemen and decide if it is safe to enter the building.
If it is not safe, the scanner/full time teacher will leave a sign on the whiteboard as to our whereabouts and collect the emergency pack if possible
The Centre Manager will lead the way to Thorrington School and will assemble by the front gates
All teachers will stay with the children until they have been collected by their parent/care giver
Lock Down Evacuation
Children will practice a reverse evacuation to ensure all can find a safe place inside the building
‘Lockdown’ and/or whistle will be called by the teacher and all children will be encouraged to enter the building and assemble in the toilet area/sleep
The Centre Manager will take the role, and will encourage all children to sit quietly in the bathroom area/sleep room.
The scanner/full time teacher will ensure all windows and doors are locked, blinds are down, lights are off and will take the mobile phone and emergency back pack from the office before going to the ‘quiet designated space’ and close the door.
If parents or caregivers cannot be contacted or cannot collect their children:
A minimum of two staff will remain with the children until they are all collected.
If children cannot be collected from the Centre then the staff will make an informed decision whether to go the civil defence meeting point at Thorrington School or to stay at the Centre with the children.
Parents will be informed of our whereabouts at all times via Facebook/Educa or text. We will leave a sign on the front door if we leave the Centre.
The safety of the children is the number one focus at all times.
Communication Plan for Parents and whānau
The Person Responsible will communicate with all parents and caregivers by posting an update on Educa and on our Pebbles Facebook Page
The Office Administrator will keep parents informed by emailing all parents and caregivers using the bulk email on Discover
Kaiako will update the daily whiteboard to let all parents know what is happening as they arrive at the centre
The Person Responsible will add a notice to the fence to alert parents as to what is happening as they arrive at Pebbles.
The Person Responsible will have an up to date list of all parents and caregivers in the Civil Defence Bag and will text or call parents and caregivers using the centre mobile phone.
Fire Warden’s Responsibilities – Centre Manager/Person Responsible
Fire Warden – Centre Manager:
Take the role, the emergency armband and the Health and Safety Folder with the emergency contact numbers
Leave the building and assemble at the meeting point
Liase with civil defence if necessary
Scanner – Full time teacher:
Take the emergency armband and check the building, including the toilets, sleep room and outside area.
Be the last person to leave the building, ensuring there is nobody inside and close all doors.
Take the emergency back pack and the evacuation bag from the staff toilet and the mobile phone from the kitchen shelf in staff room
Leave the notice on the front gate if we are leaving the Centre
Assist the Fire Warden.